We’re a family, just like you.

Little Champions all began back in 2013 when Ben decided to go out on his own. He bought a trailer and filled it with equipment and off he went.

Nine years later he married the love of his life Jacqui and welcomed two beautiful girls into the world.

This business gives us the opportunity to be present with our family whilst also allowing children the opportunity to experience gymnastics and circus in a fun and relaxed environment - quite like our girls would experience at home!


Why do we do it?

Every child deserves a chance to experience gymnastics, regardless of their ability, background or the environment they live in.

Our aim is to make a difference in at least one child’s day, everyday.

And we’re bloody good at it!

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Our Values.

What is most important to us at Little Champions?

-Family Orientated


- Enjoyment

-Making a Difference
